July update for Molebox unpacker


Thanks to szx, unpacker can now extract huge (2GB+) embedded files. πŸ™‚

Also, some of the unpacker messages were removed and/or changed. If you're using de-mole-ition with automated scripts, you might want to double-check those.

43 thoughts on “July update for Molebox unpacker

  1. {hidden link}

    ] Loading file: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GameServer.exe
    [+] MD5: 2e7a8c7e8c9df41346e3502e4152e415
    [i] Molebox type: new (v4.4325..v4.5462, v4.6000)
    [i] Exact MoleboxVS version: v4.5462 (4ED59C30)
    [i] Succesfully loaded 21 lines from C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mole_dictionary.txt.
    [i] Removing anti-hacking protection
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!

  2. {hidden link}

    This is something i packed myself at around 2011-2012 timeframe - so i would assume molebox 2.
    But none of the unpackers seem to be able to detect the version.

    I don't have the originals data i packed in there anymore.

    Are there signs to look for if it is molebox at all (tho i can't think of anything else from 8-9 years ago)

  3. Hello,

    I am trying to run your tool on the following file:
    {hidden link}

    and I get the following output:
    [i] Loading large file, it might take some time...
    [x] EXCEPTION EOutOfMemory

    OOM Error appears almost immediately and I have 6GB free memory when executing the unpack.

    1. Your file is not packed with Molebox. πŸ™‚ In fact, it's 64-bit executable (and there is no 64-bit version of Molebox).

      I will update my unpacker and improve error handling for such unexpected inputs.

      Thanks for reporting it!

  4. I tried to unpack the file, but it didn't seem to be complete.

    {hidden link}

    [i] Molebox Pro v2.2462
    [i] Security Directory present, searching for File System signature
    [x] MD5 does not match
    [i] BOX wildcard = []
    [i] No more files matching the wildcard
    [i] Saving test_unpacked.exe
    [i] Finished! Have a nice day!

  5. Hello! Can anyone help me protect myself against such programs? (ew changing source files to molebox)

  6. Hi Kao,

    I was trying to unpack this file:

    {hidden link}

    And I got this error:

    de-mole-ition v0.64, compiled on 21-07-2020 19:13
    Supports all versions of Molebox v2.x
    Latest version always on https://lifeinhex.com

    [i] Loading file: C:\Cosas\Game\Game.exe
    [+] MD5: ed4e2481851ed51c48b2fbfa7eee718a
    [#] WARNING: Some old Molebox versions are not 100% supported yet. Only main EXE will get unpacked.
    [i] Unknown Molebox version. Please send me the problematic file and I'll fix it!
    [x] Cannot extract files from this version of Molebox
    [i] Saving Game_unpacked.exe
    [i] Finished! Have a nice day!

    So I figure that it was packed with an older unsupported version of Molebox, or it was packed with something different at all (although that wouldn't have any sense because the program was able to unpack the main .exe file).

  7. Wow, thank you so much, that was really fast πŸ™‚

    I was searching in my old files and I have another one which presents the same problem, so I would want to share with you, in case it could help to double-check or confirm the next unpacker update will work correctly with these files (in this case the file is even smaller because music and sound files were not packed): {hidden link}

    de-mole-ition v0.64, compiled on 21-07-2020 19:13
    Supports all versions of Molebox v2.x
    Latest version always on https://lifeinhex.com

    [i] Loading file: C:\Cosas\Game\Game 2.exe
    [+] MD5: f0afa431f42f7c66a538a702e49352d5
    [#] WARNING: Some old Molebox versions are not 100% supported yet. Only main EXE will get unpacked.
    [i] Unknown Molebox version. Please send me the problematic file and I'll fix it!
    [x] Cannot extract files from this version of Molebox
    [i] Saving Game 2_unpacked.exe
    [i] Finished! Have a nice day!

    Thanks again πŸ™‚

  8. {hidden link}
    Hi Kao,I keep getting this.

    EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.57, compiled on 21-06-2019 11:28
    Supports Enigma Virtual Box v4.10..9.20
    Latest version always on https://lifeinhex.com

    [+] Filename: I:\game\ntr\tod\tod05\nw.exe
    [i] Loading large file, it might take some time...
    [+] x86 executable
    [x] Looks like this file is protected with Enigma Protector, not Enigma Virtual Box.
    [x] It is not supported by my unpacker

    How exactly can I extract?

    1. You are confusing 2 different tools: Enigma Virtual Box and Enigma Protector.

      My unpacker only supports Enigma Virtual Box. Your file is protected with Enigma Protector. There's nothing my unpacker can do for you...

      You can use Virtual File System Editor to extract all data files. However, it will not unpack main EXE file:

  9. Unnamed Friend of Kao

    Dear Kao,
    Would you please take a look at Folder protect 2.7.0. Your packer fails at imports from actskin4.ocx

    I get it, its a work in progress. But may be you could improve if you are interested.

    1. Could you please upload that file to MEGA or Mediafire and send me the link? Official version of Folder Protect is packed with ASProtect and I don't see actskin4.ocx anywhere..

  10. Unnamed Friend of Kao

    Dear Kao,

    Here is a direct link from the official website,

    {hidden link}

    It's Molebox, I've checked again. The import that fails is at 0x0498714 CoGetClassObject.


  11. Unnamed Friend of Kao

    Hello Dear Kao,

    It's nice to know you are interested. The official link is down below,

    {hidden link}

    The problematic import is at 0x00498714 : CoGetClassObject


    1. Oh, that's a totally different "Folder Protect"! Why can't authors come up with more original names for their software?

      This one is packed with Molebox. I'll check it when I get some free time.

  12. Kao's Good Friend

    hi Kao,
    Did you check the folder protect. How do you propose i unpack it properly.

    Your Friend

    1. Hi, unpacker is working just fine. It creates main file Folder Protect_unpacked.exe and 2 more files in folder _extracted:

      • InterfaceLayer.dll
      • actskin4.ocx

      Put all 3 files directly in the folder where Folder Protect is installed.

      Then run cmd.exe with administrator rights, navigate to the folder where Folder Protect is installed and run the following command: regsvr32.exe actskin4.ocx. It will register the OCX file and after that unpacked file will work properly.

  13. hi mr. KAO,
    i tried unpack a 2 layer molebox all using your unpacker, it works for 1st layer, but error on 2nd layer. and there's "overlay.bin" tings

    [+] MD5: f07629be7a2989ca586706a1bd3041be
    [i] Molebox Pro v2.2570
    [x] Signature seems to be invalid. File is cut? (57DA9144 / 9D287BFA)
    [i] BOX wildcard = []
    [i] No more files matching the wildcard
    [i] Saving $_unpacked_unpacked.exe
    [i] Finished! Have a nice day!

    of you have time, please take a look at the files, also i put readme.txt note
    {hidden link}


    1. Which specific link is not working for you? What is the exact error message? Which browser are you using and which antivirus? I checked links from several different locations and they all work fine for me.

      If your country/ISP/company is blocking MEGA.NZ links, there is nothing I can do - you'll just need to find a VPN or proxy that's working for you.

  14. hello I used demoletion v0.65 to try to unzip (MKDOTE.exe v4.0.2) but the error EXCEPTION EOutOfMemory appears.
    the previous version of (MKDOTE.exe v3.3.7) I managed to extract using demolition v0.50
    but the version (MKDOTE.exe v4.0.2) I couldn't try all versions of demoletion and I couldn't

    the game link
    {hidden link}

    {hidden link}

    1. For me the unpacker works fine in both VMWare and on a real machine:
      If you tell me more about your system, I can try to replicate the problem with out-of-memory error and fix it.

      As for your file, it is packed by both Molebox and Enigma Protector. Some data files are embedded in the Enigma Protector, some data files are in the Molebox.

      There is no automatic unpacker for such things. But you can try using Virtual File System Editor by Extreme Coders, it should be able to extract most of the files.

      MKDOTE Virtual File System Editor

    1. Any reason to publish an update? πŸ™‚ I am not aware of any major issues with my unpacker at the moment.

  15. NECESITO AYUDA PARA DESCOMPRIMIR CLIENTE DE TANTRA [i] Loading file: C:\Users\ROG STRIX\Downloads\Tantra Yukannasenshi 1103\HTLauncher.exe
    [+] MD5: e273c47d85597ce1e0234b68e5bd24c1
    [i] BoxOffset = F000
    [i] Molebox type: new (v4.4325..v4.5462)
    [i] Exact MoleboxVS version: UNKNOWN
    [x] SPack catalog not found or invalid. vfsrootsize=68D3BC60
    [i] Finished! Have a nice day!

    1. Actually, my unpacker v0.42 works just fine:

      de-mole-ition VS v0.42, compiled on 15-06-2019 12:51
      Supports Molebox Virtualization Studio v4.x and open-source version from Github
      Latest version always on https://lifeinhex.com

      [i] Loading file: D:\HTLauncher.exe
      [+] MD5: e273c47d85597ce1e0234b68e5bd24c1
      [i] Molebox type: new (v4.4325..v4.5462, v4.6000)
      [i] Exact MoleboxVS version: v4.6000
      [i] Succesfully loaded 21 lines from D:\mole_dictionary.txt.
      [i] Total 0 entries:
      [i] Extra BOX File = data_im.ykn
      [i] Total 234 entries:
      file: 'resource\object\Item\Mesh\OneHandCaneDrag.tmb', size=00022E90
      file: 'resource\object\Item\Mesh\matruka_vip.tmb', size=000040D8
      file: 'resource\object\Item\Mesh\STAFF-HEART.tmb', size=00014BB0
      file: 'resource\object\Item\Mesh\DeBow.tmb', size=0000F6D8
      file: 'resource\object\Item\Mesh\ganharva_avatar-04.tmb', size=0000A418
      file: 'resource\object\Item\Mesh\daggerkratos.tmb', size=000169C0
      [i] Extra BOX File = data_svlist.ykn
      [i] Total 1 entries:
      file: 'serverlist.bin', size=00008740
      [i] Finished! Have a nice day!

      Please make sure you are using the latest Molebox VS unpacker from here: https://lifeinhex.com/june-update-of-unpackers/

  16. Hello my friend, I have a file that I can't open, I've tried almost all programs but I haven't been successful.

  17. de-mole-ition v0.64, compiled on 21-07-2020 19:13
    Supports all versions of Molebox v2.x
    Latest version always on {hidden link}

    [i] Loading file: C:\Users\nasci\Desktop\Nova pasta\MORTAL KOMBAT BEGINS\MKB 1.5.exe
    [i] Loading large file, it might take some time...
    [x] Not a Molebox or unknown version

    [i] Loading file: C:\Users\nasci\Desktop\Nova pasta\MORTAL KOMBAT BEGINS\MKB 1.5.exe
    [i] Loading large file, it might take some time...
    [x] Not a Molebox or unknown version

    1. My magic ball is broken. πŸ™‚

      I can't help you unless you upload the problematic file and post a link to it.

    1. Your file seems to be protected with Enigma Protector. My unpackers do not support it and - as far as I know - there are no one-click tools that could unpack it.

  18. Thanks for your attention, I was checking that the file is compact and 2x together, but I tried with other programs but without success, a question opening the first part, maybe the other part is but easy

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