June update of unpackers


Molebox VS unpacker

This update fixes unpacking very large embedded files. Before the fix, unpacker would crash with "out of memory" exception when embedded file was larger than ~800MB. Thanks to MMM for reporting the bug.


  • Significantly improved performance when loading large files

Enigma Virtual Box unpacker

Added support for never seen before Enigma Virtual Box version (probably buggy early build of v7.30?).

Molebox v2.x unpacker

It was not necessary to update Molebox v2.x unpacker, so the link below is just for your convenience:

42 thoughts on “June update of unpackers

  1. {hidden link}

    ] Loading file: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GameServer.exe
    [+] MD5: 2e7a8c7e8c9df41346e3502e4152e415
    [i] Molebox type: new (v4.4325..v4.5462, v4.6000)
    [i] Exact MoleboxVS version: v4.5462 (4ED59C30)
    [i] Succesfully loaded 21 lines from C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mole_dictionary.txt.
    [i] Removing anti-hacking protection
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!
    [!] WARNING: fixing relocations failed! File will probably not run!

    1. Thank you, I'm aware of that problem.

      I have very little free time but I will try to fix the problem someday. 🙂

    2. I had the same problem with the latest version of the unpacker, when trying to unpack some exe's I had previously unpacked a couple of years ago. Since I knew they were unpacked with kao's amazing unpackers I tried some older versions of the unpacker and it seems that demoleitionVS 0.2.0 did the trick for me.

        1. Hi Xeon3D, I would never intentionally break any of my unpackers. 😉

          If the latest version of unpacker is not working and old version works just fine, it's a bug and I would like to fix it. For that I need to see the problem file. Would you please be so kind and upload it to MEGA or MediaFire? I'll be more than happy to take a look.

  2. {hidden link}

    [+] Filename: D:\MusicTools 1.2.3.exe
    [+] MD5: 8e77b5669b4ac8ecbe13848d2c6bc553
    [+] x86 executable
    [+] Embedded files are compressed
    [+] EnigmaVB version: UNKNOWN
    [!] Unknown EnigmaVB version, cannot guarantee that unpacking will work properly!
    [+] Unpacked main file: D:\MusicTools 1.2.3_unpacked.exe
    [+] Finished!

    It can unpack the main program, but can not unpack the resource file, please help me!

  3. Hello kao i hope you can fix also the HIDE Features in Molebox VS 🙂 Or if you have paid version of that we can talk 🙂

  4. The unpacked .exe of this file is broken.
    Can anyone help me?
    Following file contains log message and original file.
    {hidden link}

      These are not simplistic and for the fact you are complaining about an unpacker means you are a dev or a user of these, so you should not use or create these packers

      Kao is probably the most advanced reverser in the public RE scene he has proven himself time and time again
      just look at 2019 flare-on he's completed it this year like he has many years prior

      see above

      Without kao many of the current reversers probably would not exist with the questions he answers and advices he gives

      Great way to show your age

    2. First the idea of using reverse engineering is to demonstrate the weakness of the programs. A programmer can choose a particular challenge to prove himself or even to demonstrate a weakness of certain software.
      Probably, I think Kao only chooses free programs to not have too many problems with companies where software is paid for. And even if he did, and didn't have problems with it, the company could take advantage of the flaw shown and improve its product. If the level of security of this product improves, and the company makes millions in the digital market, would you be satisfied with not earning anything for example?

      Jobs like these programmers do only if they are paid for by the companies themselves.

  5. Happy Follower


    Thanks for your amazing work, version 9.30 breaks your unpacker (0.57 says unknown version detected), please update the unpacker if you get a chance, thanks again.

  6. EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.57, compiled on 21-06-2019 11:28
    Supports Enigma Virtual Box v4.10..9.20
    Latest version always on {hidden link}

    [+] Filename: E:\1\RJ183493\medical_ver_1_0\Game_boxed.exe
    [i] Loading large file, it might take some time...
    [+] x86 executable
    [+] Embedded files are not compressed
    [+] EnigmaVB version: UNKNOWN
    [!] Unknown EnigmaVB version, cannot guarantee that unpacking will work properly!
    [+] Unpacked main file: E:\1\RJ183493\medical_ver_1_0\Game_boxed_unpacked.exe
    [+] Finished!

    Hi, sir
    i try different version of unpack files but it is still not useful
    my friend buy this game from dlsite, do i need to upload the file for u in order to solve this problem?

  7. EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.57, compiled on 21-06-2019 11:28
    Supports Enigma Virtual Box v4.10..9.20
    Latest version always on {hidden link}

    [+] Filename: D:\DUMP\HashFinder\HashFinder.exe
    [+] MD5: 9867ae55bdaf8e7e48d9afc12fcda5dc
    [+] x64 executable
    [+] Embedded files are not compressed
    [+] EnigmaVB version: UNKNOWN
    [!] Unknown EnigmaVB version, cannot guarantee that unpacking will work properly!
    [+] File "D:\dsfa\Brute\DUMP\HashFinder\%DEFAULT FOLDER%\ControlzEx.dll", size=0x2C000
    [+] File "D:\dsfa\Brute\DUMP\HashFinder\%DEFAULT FOLDER%\MahApps.Metro.dll", size=0x10BC00
    [+] File "D:\dsfa\Brute\DUMP\HashFinder\%DEFAULT FOLDER%\System.Windows.Interactivity.dll", size=0x9C00
    [+] File "D:\dsfa\Brute\DUMP\HashFinder\%DEFAULT FOLDER%\xNet.dll", size=0x1D400
    [!] Warning: cannot fix PE Exception directory. Unpacked file may or may not work. Be careful!
    [+] Unpacked main file: D:\dsfa\Brute\DUMP\HashFinder\HashFinder_unpacked.exe
    [+] Finished!

    File is still not useful, pls fix it =(

  8. JuraCrazy Modder

    I am having a problem with a Japanese program called SCWU, the program (demoleition-v0.60)
    reports that the molebox version present in SCWU.exe is modified or unknown I need help to unpack this 2d fighter maker engine...

    Link: {hidden link}

    1. Thank you for the bug report. 🙂 I will fix it as soon as I can and post a new version of unpacker.

  9. [+] Filename: C:\Users\60113\Desktop\RYL AND APP FILE\Mu\Client.exe
    [+] MD5: fd5894d81561a5ad5ebe4498c9e7d212
    [+] x86 executable
    [x] Looks like this file is protected with Enigma Protector, not Enigma Virtual Box.
    [x] It is not supported by my unpacker
    help me 😀

    1. There's nothing I can help you with. 😉 There is no one-click unpacker for Enigma Protector - but you can google for some tutorials how to unpack it manually.

  10. Hey Kao, I am sorting out my collection of old games, and trying to unpack the packed ones. And when unpacking one of them packed by Molebox VS, the executable can be unpacked but cannot be started.
    In fact I suspect if I have submitted the game to you, but I cannot find a fixed version of the unpacker, and neither can I find my older comments. So I apologize if I am making a duplicate report.
    I wonder if you could fix the problem.
    Here is the game link, password is 'password'.
    {hidden link}
    Whole game is a little large, I will upload if needed.
    Again thanks for your amazing application.

      1. Hi Kao, sorry for the late reply.
        I forgot my game disk at school, so I just asked my roommate to send me a copy. And I do not have very good Internet connection at home, so I cannot upload the game to Google Drive or Mega, instead I use Baidu Netdisk, which may be a little inconvenient for you. Again sorry for that.
        The link is as below:
        {hidden link}
        and you will need a code to get the resource:kqvu . Password for the archive is still 'password'.

        On your unpacked version of the game, I tested it with other parts of the game. However, to my surprise, the unpacked game seems to be the original game, which is in Japanese. However, if I remember correctly, what I uploaded is in Chinese. That is weird. Maybe the other resources in the packed executable will change the language?
        Thanks a lot.

          1. I managed to upload the game to another cloud disk my former school provides. As I have graduated from that school, my account may be suspended in a few months. Could you check if this link is available? {hidden link}
            Thanks a lot.

      2. OOps, my fault.
        I copied the resource files extracted by the old unpacker, and the game seems to run correctly.
        Thanks for the amazing tool and your kindness.

    1. Hi Ficher, it's a custom Tantra launcher and seems to be protected with VMProtect.

      I'm not aware of any ready-made unpacker for VMProtect.

  11. Hey kao, thanks again for your very helpful tools. I was trying to unpack a file packed using Molebox VS but ran into a problem and it stopped extracting file, do you happen to know whats causing it?

    This is the file
    {hidden link}

    [i] Loading file: D:\Downloads\+\Mano-chan Fighters 2.0 HD\mugen.exe
    [i] Loading large file, it might take some time...
    [i] Molebox type: very old (v4.1394..v4.2062)
    [i] Exact MoleboxVS version: v4.1824 (100051E4)
    [i] Succesfully loaded 24 lines from D:\Downloads\demoleitionVS-v0.42\mole_dictionary.txt.
    [i] Total 697 entries:
    file: `chars\coco\coco4.act`, size=00000300
    file: `data\common.snd`, size=005263C1
    [x] EXCEPTION EFCreateError

    Thanks in advance

    1. There is a hidden file Mano-chan Fighters Simple.bat in your ZIP file. There is another Mano-chan Fighters Simple.bat packed into the EXE. My unpacker doesn't handle such situations and stops with the error.

      I'll try to think of a proper fix someday. For now, please try copying only Mano-chanFighters2.exe from your archive to a new folder and unpacking it there, it should work.

      1. Oh wow that actually did the trick, thanks a lot kao. Again, really appreciate all you have done with your tools and knowledge sharing for the masses.
        Keep up the good work, all the best!

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