Static Enigma Virtual Box unpacker, part 3


Here comes a new version. Again. 🙂


I added support for Enigma Virtual Box 7.30, (hopefully) fixed all issues with very long filenames and fixed an issue with processing command-line.

Thanks to ManOfWar for constantly supplying new challenges and parrot for bringing my attention to a bug with command-line.

Download link: Please get latest version from this post

20 thoughts on “Static Enigma Virtual Box unpacker, part 3

  1. Would you ever considering to create an unpacker for boxed files , but this time its for enigma protector's option (virtual files) i guess they are using the same EVB routines ? thank you.

  2. Do you have some test file I could check?

    If I can do it without making a complete Enigma Protector unpacker, I'll consider adding this feature.

    1. Your file is either not packed with Enigma Virtual Box, or modified to stop my unpacker from working. If you send me download link to your executable file, I will take a look and tell you for sure.

    1. Works for me. Since you did not provide any details about the problematic file, I can't find and fix the issue.

  3. Hi, I have this error:
    [x] Expected section name ".enigma2", found ".ultra"
    How can fix this error?

    1. It means this file is not protected with Enigma Virtual Box (or is hacked to stop my unpacker from working). There's nothing to fix. 🙂

  4. out of memory
    I have this error for this game:

  5. [+] Filename: C:\Users\eXplode\Desktop\Core(1).dll
    [+] MD5: 452D31B40B1CDD76484338669D4B7AC0
    [+] x86 executable
    [x] Expected section name ".enigma2", found ".data"

    and nothing more maybe u got a fix for that?

  6. tryed the newest version 0.34
    and get now
    [x] This file is not protected with Enigma Virtual Box or is hacked.

    1. Yes, I fixed the error message. 🙂

      Your file is protected with "Enigma Protector", not "Enigma Virtual Box" - it's a different product from same authors.

  7. I have a 1,4 gb exe file.
    I installed the version 0.35 of enigmavbunpacker.
    Get still the "out of memory" error

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